Friday, March 16, 2012

new stories new covers and new plots

hey yall so yeah i havent updated in like forever so naturaly i have alot to update you about. first off i published 2 new stories What I Do Best, and Denying Forever. Well i posted both of these and they both have amazing covers but i cant post them because im at school so youll have to check it out yourself. second i started a new account along with my old the user name is lovablemess s yeah go check that out please. 3rd and most important is i am going to enter my story loves melody into the watty awards so go check that out
but yeah ill post the links below as well as links that are now broken because i moved them
the 3 stories i moved are antashia angel cross breed and now and forever so click the link abover to get to the page
i alos forgot if you check out loves melody i kinda changed the plot and made i a little more intense